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1、国外XX5000td熟料水泥生产线带余热发电项目烧成窑尾车间5000 TPD CEMENT PLANT PROJECT FOR KHAMMOUANECEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (XXl) IN XXPDRPreheater Workshop5000td窑尾框架及预热器安装施工技术方案Installation Procedure of 5000td Preheater and Preheater FrameXXX项目部二0二。年八月SINOMA INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING XX XX PROJECT2021, Aug批准页/Approved sheet编

2、制单位:项目经理部安装部Organized by: Project Engineering Dept.编制人:审核人:Prepared by:auditor:批准人:Approved by:日期Date:公司(总工程师)审批:Approved by company chief engineer:批准人 APProVed by: 日期Date:咨询单位:Consulting company:批准人 Approved by:日期Date:建设单位:Construction unit:批准人 Approved by:日期Date:公司审扑匕Audit by company公司总师室:General

3、Engineer of Company:审核人auditor:日期Date:公司安全环保部 Safety and Environment Department:1、框架预热器和塔吊防雷接地要可靠;Grounding for preheater frame and tower crane should be reliable;2、窑尾框架临时用电安全要完善;Temporary electricity of preheater frame should be safe;3、安全三同时”工作要跟上;Safety protection job should be followed up;4、执行窑尾框

4、架防护标准。Protection standard for preheater frame5、框架文明施工要做好。Civilized construction of the frame should be proper conducted.审核人auditor:日期/Date:公司工程管理部:Company Engineering Management Department批准人auditor:日期Date:目 录Table of contents一、工程概况 Project Overview二、编制依据 According standards三、施工工艺流程 Construction pro

5、cess四、施工平面布置Construction layout五、施工计戈IJ Construction plans六、施工人员组织 Workers organization七、施工机具准备 Equipment for installation八、施工步骤 InStalIationStePS(一)施工准备 Installation preparation(二)施工实施 Installation九、质量控制措施 Quality controlled measures十、安全环保措施Safety and environmental protection measures一、工程概况 ProjeCt

6、oVerVieW国外XX项目是由X国XX皇家水泥集团下属企业XX水泥有限公司投资建设的日产5000吨的熟料水泥生产线带余热发电的全新水泥厂,本工程由XXXX建材设计研究院和XXXXXX工程股份有限公司承包建设。项目位于国外人民民主共和国XX省Mahaxay区距离邻近XX省第12省道的ThaKhek约55公里处。The project invested by Khammouane Cement Company Limited(XX) which affiliated to XX cement group, the project is 5000 TPD CEMENT PLANT PROJECT

7、FOR HAMMOUANE CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (XXl) IN XXPDR. It is contract construction project by Anhui Conch Design Institute and Sinoma International Engineering Ltd. The project location is Thakhek City, Khammouane Province, XX.本项目采用干法窑外分解生产工艺,窑尾塔架预热器是全厂 生产过程中的关键设备,该设备主要是利用窑中余热将生料进行 干燥、预热和分解,从而达到使窑生产能力

8、成倍增加,能耗降低 的目的。因窑尾塔架高度达120米,其施工周期长,施工难度较 大。窑尾框架周边紧邻煤粉制备车间、电梯井、窑尾电气室,使 得施工场地非常狭小。The project uses dry process outside kiln decomposition for production. The preheater and its frame is the key equipment in the production process, which uses kiln, s waste heat to dry, warm-up and decompose the raw mater

9、ial, to reduce energy consumption. As the height of preheater and its frame is 120m,and very near coal powder shop, elevator shaft, electrical room of kiln, so the working area is very small.根据施工计划安排以及目前的土建施工进度,现正值国外雨 季,对窑尾钢结构塔架和预热器高空安装作业非常不利。According to the construction schedule and civil schedule

10、, during the rainy season, it is difficult for steel structure of kiln and preheater installation.国外XX5000td熟料水泥生产线带余热发电项目的窑尾塔架 为圆管型立柱内浇注混凝土的结构形式。The preheater and its frame in project are circular tube type and pouring concrete into vertical column.(一)窑尾塔架和预热器的有关参数1、窑尾塔架层次:7层2、框架重量:1600吨3、预热器:650吨(

11、一)Relevant parameters for preheater and its frame:Frame layer: 7 layersFrame weight: 1600 tonsPreheater Weight: 650 tons(-)窑尾预热器构造根型图Chart for preheater installation图一 ChartNoJ窑尾预热备prcaGr纲结构框茱SlCd frame s-rucmrc六层钢结构6 layer structure悌子、栏杆I Addarand milina工艺设备Process equipment*部分Mar-附属设备及检修早台安装Auxili

12、ary equipment andlatfbn installation柱脚、主立柱、圈奥、支撑柱、主梁及承 空烫、平台梁、平台板Column fbo tnain column, ring beam, support column, main beam & bearing beam, platform beam, PIalfbrm plate分蟀炉Calciner一级旋风筒、入料管道、上升管道First layer cclone, inlet pipe, UPWard pipe 二级旋风筒、入料管道、上升管道Second layer cyclone, inlet pipe, upward pi

13、pe 三级旋风筒、入料管道、上升管道Third layer cyclone, inlet pipe, upward pipe layer cyclone, inle pipe, upward pipe 四级旋风筒、入料管道、上升管道FOUrth layer cjclone, inlet pipe, upward pipe 五级分风筒,入料管道,上升管道Fifth layer cyclone, inlet pipe, upward pipe 垠空、分解X1上升管道Exhausted gas room, Upward pipe of二、编制依据 ACCOrdmgStandardS1、水泥机械设备安

14、装工程施工及验收规范(JCJ03-1990)Standard for the installation and acceptance inspection of cement machinery and equipment(JCJ03-1990)2、机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范(GB50231-1998)General specification for the installation and acceptance inspection ofmachinery and equipment (GB5023 1 1998 )3、钢结构工程施工质量验收规范(GB50205-2001)stee

15、l construction quality acceptance (GB50205-2001)4、钢结构焊缝外形尺寸(GBlO854-89);Welding size and shape of steel structure(GB10854-89)5、钢焊缝手超声波探伤结果分级(GBlI345-89);Ultrasonic inspection result grading for steel welding (GBl 1345-89);6、公司的作业指导书;Company,s operating instructions;7、烧成窑尾车间施工图纸;Preheater workshop construction drawing8、预热器设计图;Preheater design drawing9、预热器的说明书。Preheater instructions三、施工工艺流程图 Construction process窑尾锅结构框架施工工序流程图Flowclart (图二)八.表示关8过程KeyPrOCe。表示特残过程special processfqntin


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