招标投标-季景-沁园保洁服务投标书34页 精品.doc

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1、季景沁园保洁服务投标书Quotation of the cleaning for jijingqinyuan Building 北京市鑫聚园物业管理有限公司 BJ xinjiyuan Cleaning pany.联系人: Contactor: fanny chang 联系电话: Mobile Phone: 13011115258日期: 年 月 Date: Jan /20XX目 录 一、鑫聚园物业管理公司简介- -3二、营业执照副本复印件-3三、人员培训-4四、现场作业流程及紧急情况处理-8五、清洁作业程序-9六、保洁服务工作标准-20七、现场督导流程描述-20八、与招标方沟通渠道的设计- -2

2、1九、为承托服务所提供的优致服- 22十、报价-22一、北京市鑫聚园物业管理有限公司简介北京市鑫聚园物业管理有限公司是集保安、保洁、园林绿化为一体的专业物业管理企业,多年来为创造企业品牌、培养了一大批专业的管理人才和技术骨干,在为客户提供服务过程当中获得了业主的一致好评。目前,我公司担负着海淀区百花苑写字楼、国都证券大厦、百力文科技大厦和朝阳区水景花园别墅区、丰台区风格雨林联排别墅区、天鸿集团宝汇苑小区、汇达公寓等项目进行全方位的物业、保洁服务管理。自公司成立以来提倡以先进的物业管理理念和模式经营,全力专注于写字楼、公寓楼、高档住宅、商务办公楼的物业管理和专项保洁服务。公司的服务理念是“以人为

3、本,客户至上”,公司的服务宗旨:“以质量求发展、以服务争市场、以信誉赢客户”。我们愿为每一位业主提供最真诚和完美的服务,创造高雅和谐的办公、生活环境。公司竭诚为业主及客户提供最优质的服务,愿意承接具有挑战性的物业进行管理,用我们的真心和汗水赢得业主和广大客户的信任。北京鑫聚园物业管理有限公司全体员工衷心希望为您提供优服务,我公司愿真诚与您合作,给您创造一个良好的物业环境。 三、人员培训Training员工培训是企业运作的重要环节,没有高素质的员工,就不能有高质量的保洁服务。为树立公司品牌及企业形象,提高服务质量,因此要造就高素质的员工就必须用严格的培训来规范和约束。所以,我们对员工进行企业战略

4、培训,灌输公司远景与未来、企业文化、让员工认识企业、了解未来。对职业道德、仪容仪表、礼节礼貌,专业技术及服务意识等进行一系列标准化培训。从而使被动性服务转变为主动性服务。 Training is the most important tache for corporation operation. Without high diathesis employees, here is no high quality cleaning services. Rigid training brings up high diathesis employees to erect corporation im

5、age, to improve service quality and execute criterion and obligations. Thus, we train our employees by using corporation strategic training: inbreathe panys future vision, pany culture, to know the pany, understand the future. We form. a series of standard training on occupation morality, appearance

6、, etiquette and courtesy, specialized technique and service consciousness. Therefore, training changes services from passive to active. 公司还特别对员工进行消防理论及消防实践、防风抗雨等业务培训,使员工能增强应变能力,适应社会及客户的要求。Our employees are especially trained in fire protection theories and fire drills, operation training in strong w

7、ind and heave rain situation. Those training will help to reinforce our employees abilities under emergency, and to adapt the society and guests request.第一部分 管理人员培训计划Training steps 培训步骤Training items 培训内容1.Pre-job training 岗前培训2. Post training 岗值培训3. On-the-jobTraining 岗位培训4.Regular training 日常培训 Sy

8、stematic training on the panys rules and regulations 公司规章制度的系统化培训 Study of management theories管理理论的学习 Training on relevant program documents &guidelines of quality system and quality objectives 质量系统与质量目标的相关文件和准则的培训 Understanding of modern science & knowledge like puter 了解现代化科学和技术如电脑 Duties of the po

9、sts that trainees hold 培训者相关岗位的职责培训 Training on work processes, methods and operation specifications of various cleaning items多种清洁项目的工作程序,方式和操作规范的培训 Correct methods to use machines & equipment, tools and materials 机器设备,工具物品的正确使用模式 Training on professional skills and practical applications of the pos

10、ts that trainees hold 培训者本岗位专业技术和实际运作 Training on rules of safely operation and knowledge of fire control安全操作和防火知识的培训 Study of professional skills and technical promotion of the posts that trainees hold学习专业技术知识提高本岗值工作 Outline of relevant posts and technical training 掌握相关岗值和技术培训的概要 Study of relevant

11、laws and regulations 学习相关法律法规Implementing the guideline of integration theory with practice and carrying out further training of senior technical personnel designated by the pany 结合实际开展综合理论概要培训并落实由公司任命的老技术员工的深入培训。Training steps培训步骤 Training items 培训内容1.Self education of employees 员工自我教育2.Posteducati

12、on 岗位教育3.Posttraining 岗值培训4.Regular training 日常培训Personnel rules of Beijing Jiarong Cleaning Services Co., Ltd. 北京鑫聚园物业服务有限公司人事规章Education on professional ethics 专业道德教育Regulations of Beijing Jiarong cleaning services co., ltd. On the appearance & manners of employees 北进鑫聚园物业服务有限公司员工礼仪礼貌规定Study of sa

13、fety & security measures (coordinated by party A)学习安全防卫措施(配合A部分)Study of basic cleaning knowledge 学习基本保洁知识Study of how to use machines, tools and materials 学习怎样使用机器,工具和物品Study of safe operation rules and education on the sense of fire control 学习安全操作守则,培养防火意识Study of quality standards 学习质量标准Study of how to clean the glass, maintain the stainless steel & copper ware and ho


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