《优课六年级下快乐阅读教案Unit 1 Story town Ready for rain.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《优课六年级下快乐阅读教案Unit 1 Story town Ready for rain.docx(2页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、教学内容Unit 1 Story town: Ready for rain教学目标1. Get Ss to understand the new words: storm, meadow, bend, whisper,sway, warning, starry, hive, beat, urgent, crest, crash, gurgle,scarlet, sway, swish, huddle, bellow, billow, dim , howl, snuggle2. According to the key words and pictures, try to understand
2、the mainideas of the story.3. Use the knowledge you ve learnt to finish the exercises and readthe same standard passage.教学重难点L Learn the new words .(三会要求)2. Read the story well and try to retell it according to the key words.学法指导讨论知道天气预报方式,激发对故事阅读兴趣,以问题引导阅读探究,培养学生自主阅读进行思考责疑,结合图片理解主要内容,增强阅读理解能力。运用关键词
3、设计思维导图,帮助学生有条理的表述文本大意。教学准备Teaching CD, PPT教学时间40分钟教学过程二次备课Step 1 Warming-upWhat is the weather like today? How about tomorrow?How can people know the weather for the next 24 hours?Step 2 Pre-readingT: Nature is very magic. Some people can look at the clouds andtell the weather. What about animals? E
4、njoy some picturesWhat are the ants doing? Why?Look at the fish in the river. Do you know why?Because “A storm is coming.Today we 11 read a story “ Ready for rain” Step 3 While-reading1 . Listen and think : Who knows “A storm is coming?”2 .Underline the things and list in classthe clouds, the pine c
5、ones, the waves , the gullsthe flowers, the cows , a woman3 . Read P4 and answer the questionsQI: Where does the wind blow (吹)from?Q2: What do the clouds do before the rain?Q3: What do the pine trees in the woods do?Q4: In the meadow, what do the bees do?4 .Read P5 and judge (TF)( )1. On the sea, th
6、e waves race to the land( )2. The waves roll until(直至 J) their crests turn blue.( )3 The gulls sees the rising waves and stay away from the water.( )4.The gulls fly toward the shore faster and faster)5. The cloud carries (传送)their warning song.5.Read P6 and fill in the form.What / WhoActivitiesWhyth
7、e cottonwoodtreesturn their leaves toward h(the cloudsar the cries of thegullsthe flowershide their scarlet facessway in the wind and swishsee the darkened skythe cowshuddle under a tree, bel 1 owthe wind b 1 ows over backsa womancall out to her children snell the rain6. Discuss in groups. When a st
8、orm is here, what can you see?Teach to read the new wordsLighting blasts across the sky and thunder shakes the groundDark clouds billow Raindrops begin to fall.The wind howls with a fierce roar Listen and repeat the passage.7. Share in class: What do usually you do at home when a storm comes?What ab
9、out the children in the story?They drink hot chocolate, snuggle together and read a story.8. Read the whole story.Step 4 Post-reading Read and complete1. In a meadow, the gather close to the hive.2. The see the rising waves and stay from the water.3. The see the darkened sky and hide their scarlet f
10、aces.4. The on the farm huddle under a tree .5. The are frightened by the storm, but their mother poursthem hot chocolate.2 Look at the pictures and key words, retell the story in groups.Unit 1 Ready for rainthe clouds gather to tell each other板the pine trees bend to look up the skypine cones close tips5the bees beat and pass message stay close to hive设the waves race to the shore the gulls: fly toward toe shoreTthe cottonwood tree turn their leaves toward the cloudsthe flowers hide scarlet faces the cows huddle and bellowa woman call out to her children a后记2