丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B8 The OP Book 教学设计.docx

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《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B8 The OP Book 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第一级B8 The OP Book 教学设计.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第一级B )The OP Book教学设计一、教学目标 复习巩固。,p的发音。 能够快速听辨以/。/和/p/音开头的单词。 掌握核心单词 octopus, ostrich, pig, pic。 能够跟读故事并理解大意。 尝试根据故事中所学,创编新的故事。二、教学重点听辨以/。/和/p/音开头的单词。三、教学难点 核心词汇的拼读及故事朗读。 绘本 课件五.教学过程Step 1 Warming-up复习字母名和字母音。课堂用语:A Whafs this letter?What sound does letter o make?设计意图:复习巩固已知知识点,为新授知识点

2、和故事学习做铺垫。 What sound does letter p make?A I will say some words, if they have /o/ sound,please say /o/. Can you give me a word which begins with thesound /o/? I will say some words, if they have /p/ sound,please say /p/.A Can you give me a word which begins with thesound /p/?Step 2 Reading教师与学生共读绘本。

3、提问建议:P2设计意图:通过词汇感知开头字母发音。听辨音训练,培养学生音素意识。 Whats this animal? What sound does octopus begin with? How many legs does an octopus have? Whose head is this?P3 It is an ostrich. What sound does ostrich begin with? Can you show me what ostrich is like? How many ostriches can you see? How many legs does ost

4、rich have?P4 They are overalls. Pay attention to the word overalls.Does o make the sound /o/ here? Whose overalls are there? How about these?P4-5 Haha, octopus and ostrich have each others overalls. Please listen to the sentence. When you hear /o/ sound,please clap your hands. Listen and repeat.P6 W

5、hats this animal? What is he holding? He is holding a pie. What sound does pie begin with?P7 What is this animal? It is a little dog. We call it puppy. What sound does puppy begin with? Do you like puppies?P8 Is the pig fat or thin? Yes, a fat pig, we can also say a portly pig. What sound does portl

6、y begin with?呈现派的图片并提问。 Wow, what can you see in the picture? There are plenty of pies. Do you like plenty of pies?P8-9 Listen to the sentence, when you hear /p/ sound,please stamp your feet.pio-n Who come to join the pigs for pie? Listen to the sentence, when you hear /o/ sound,please clap your hands.Step 3 After Reading跟读故事并按老师的要求完成操作。 Listen and repeat. Circle all the words which beginwith /o/ and /p/ sound.设计意图:通过圈词,强化学生音形的对应关系。六、家庭作业 听录音并朗读绘本。


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