丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第二级B4 The Red Sled 教学设计.docx

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《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第二级B4 The Red Sled 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第二级B4 The Red Sled 教学设计.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第二级)The Red Sled教学设计一、教学目标 能够快速拼读含有-ed的词族。 能够在教师的帮助下并借助图片来理解shed, sled, sped在故事中的含义。 能够在教师的帮助下借助图片理解故事大意。 能够独立朗读故事。二.教学重点 能够快速拼读以-ed结尾的单词。 能够正确独立地朗读故事。三、教学难点 能够准确理解故事的内容。四、教学用具 绘本 课件 字母卡五.教学过程Step 1 Warming upAsk ss what they like to do in winter.Introduce the winter sports like sledd

2、ing.Ask ss to watch a short clip and find out what theyare doing.设计意图引入冬季滑雪橇的主题,激发学生阅读故事的兴趣。Step 2 PhonicsAsk ss what they see in the picture.Ask ss to blend sl-ed.Ask ss to make more words with -ed.Lead ss to get to know the meaning of some new wordsand read them in sentences.Guided questions:What

3、does this word say? (sled)What color is the sled?How many kids are there on the sled?What does this word say? (shed)What color is the shed?Is a shed big or small?What did the kids do?Were they fast or slow?What does this word say? (sped)Can you read these sentences?设计意图练习含有-ed的单词的快速拼读。在情境中应用拼读技能,独立朗

4、读句子。Step 3 Cover InformationAsk ss what they see on the cover, read thetitle and predict what may happen in the story.Guided questions:What is the weather like?How many kids do you see?Can you say their names?Are they happy?Do you think they sped up or slowed down?What would they do?设计意图观察封面,朗读书名,预测

5、故事内容。Step 4 While-readingP34Ask ss to read page 3 and 4 independently.Ask ss some questions to check their comprehension.Guided questions:Did they move fast or slowly?Where were they?设计意图在故事中巩固拼读技能,通过问答检测学生对故事的理解。P5Ask ss to see the picture and guess what was going wrong.Ask ss to read the sentence.

6、Ask ss to show hit a shedHby gesture.Ask ss to predict what they would do.Guided questions:Do you think they would go to the hospital or stay on theshed?Do you think they were sad or still very happy?Ask ss to relate to their life and think about the question:If Fred and Ted were your friends, what

7、do you want to sayto them when you see them lying on the hill?P69Ask ss to listen and read page 69.Ask ss some questions to check their comprehension.Guided questions:Where were they, in the hospital or on the shed?Can you put up your leg/hand?Do you want to get a rest now?Ask ss some questions to c

8、heck their comprehension.Guided question:Were they happy or sad?设计意图Ask ss to work in pairs to read and act page 69.Step 5 Post-reading在情境中提升拼读与读写技Ask ss to listen and read.能,加深对故事的理解。Ask ss to read in pairs.Ask ss to retell the story.Ask ss to fill in the blanks and read.Ask ss to think about tips for safe sledding.用图片帮助学生回忆故事的beginning, middle 和 end,对故事进行复述。Dictation and spelling the words.与自己的生活相联系,提升思维能力。听写练习可将单词的音形结合起来,有助于提升学生的拼读技能和书写能力。六.家庭作业 熟读故事。 圈出书中以ed结尾的单词。 为本书涂色。


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