《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B2 Little Bug 教学设计.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书第四级B2 Little Bug 教学设计.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。
1、丽声我的第一套自然拼读故事书(第四级)Little Bug教学设计一、教学目标 掌握并认读视觉词he, ate, littleo 能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。二.教学重点及难点 掌握并认读视觉词he, ate, little。 能够在老师的辅助下朗读故事并理解大意。三、教学用具 绘本 课件 教具Stepl热身1.快速认读视觉词提问建议- Look and say, which popcorn do you know?(参考词语:the, on, little, ate, the, up, went, to)设计意图通过游戏,调动学生学习热情。同时,帮助他们明确学习目标,提高学习效率。
2、Step 2阅读封面、扉页,介绍故事大意1.观察封面,了解绘本的题目和作者。提问建议:- Boys and girls, what can you see?- Wheres the bug?- Is it little or big?- Can you tell me the title of the book?- Is the little bug happy? Why?- What will this story talk about?- How do you know?- Can you find the writer and illustrator?设计意图学生在教师的带领下了解绘本的
3、信息,如书名、作者名等,由此了解阅读的方法、养成良好的阅读习惯、增强文本概念。同时,为学习新知做铺垫。犯、教学过程Step 3阅读全书1 .共读绘本。提问建议:- Where9s the little bug?- What did the little bug do?- How was the little bug?- What did the little bug eat?- Did he eat a lot?- Whats the little bugs snack?- Where9s the little bug?- How was it?- Why did it run up a tw
4、ig?- Wheres the bug?- How was it?- What did it eat?- Whore the boy and the girl?- Where did they go to?- What would they want to do?- How do you know?- What would happen to the little bug?2 .带着问题独立阅读。提问建议:- What would happen to the little bug?- Who said Run, run, little bug?- Did the little bug mana
5、ge to run?- What did the little bug do?- Was he safe now?3 . Sight words review: type and write(参考词语:he, on, little, ate, the, up, went, to)设计意图共读绘本,强化知识,引发思考。通过听读的方式,验证学习的效果。及时纠正发音,提升课堂学习质量。之后,通过小组阅读的方式,提升阅读乐趣。学生互帮互助,与同伴共同进步。4 .大声朗读绘本,针对有困难的学生教师可给予帮助。5.听读绘本,纠正发音。6.小组朗读。Step 4拓展运用1.小组合作完成故事地图。设计意图深入发掘文本,总结绘本结构,加深对文本理解以及小组合作学习的能力。五、家庭作业1 .听录音并朗读绘本。2 .分享故事地图进行复述。