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1、冲刺练习一、排序题1 .句子排序A. Theyre Li ly,s aunts.B. Aunt Rose wears a pink dress. She i s a good farmer.C. Aunt Susan i s a farmer too.D. She wears a T-shi rt and green shorts. She Ii kes to eat nice food.E. There are two women on the farm.F. She i s heavy.TT CT F二、阅读理解2. This is Helens bedroom. Its new and

2、nice. A bed and a chai r arein it. Theres a desk near the window. Some f Iowers are on it. A bookcasei s near the bed. Some Engl i sh books are on the bookcase. Theres a pictureon the wall. Three peopIe are in the picture. The man i s her father. Thewoman i s her mother.(1)Whose bedroom i s it?A.Tom

3、s bedroom.B.Helens bedroom.C.Helens parents bedroom.(2)Where i s the bookcase?A. Its on the cha i r.B. Its in the picture.C.Its near the bed.(3)What,s on the bookcase?A.Some Eng Ii sh books.C. Some vases.C.Some fIowers.(4) Is there a picture on the wall?A. Yes, it i s.B. Yes, there i s.C.No, there i

4、snt.(5)Whos that woman?A.Shes Helens sister.B.She,s Helens mother.C.Shes Helens teacher.3.阅读短文,选出正确的选项。Mr Green i s from France. His wife is from the US. He and his wifeteach French and Eng I i sh i n Suzhou. They have a son and a daughter. Theyare Jack and Ju I i a. Jack i s a student, but Julia i

5、s not. She i s on I y f i ve.They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is smaI I. The big one isfor Jack. The smaI I one is for Julia. Sometimes they go to the park onSundays. Mr Green Iikes taking photos there. Mrs Green Iikes watchingbeautifuI fIowers and trees. Jack and Julia Iike catchi ng

6、insects in thepark. The Greens Iike China. They have a lot of fr iends in Suzhou.(1)How many peopIe are there in Mr Greens fami Iy?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.What does Mr Green do?A. He i s a doctor.B. He i s a teacher.C. He i s a worker.Are Mr Green,schi ldren both students?A. Yes, they are.B.No. Jac

7、k is a student, but Julia is not.(4)Where do MrC.No. Julia i s a student, but Jack i s not.Green1s fami ly sometimes go on Sundays?A. To the park.B. To the cinema.C.To the hospitaI.(5)The GreensCh i na.A.don,t Ii keB.doesnt IikeC. like4.阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Dan i e s father was a po I i ceman before. He wor

8、ked very hard everyday. He usual ly I eft home at f i ve i n the morn i ng and came back home I atei n the evening. He was very busy. He didnt have time to p I ay with Dan i e I.Now, h i s father i s a teacher i n a school. He is still very busy,but he I eaves home at 8:00 i n the morning and comes

9、back home at 6:00 i nthe evening. DanieI is very happy because he can stay with his father.(1)Danie I,s father was a before.A.doctorB.poIi cemanC.fi refighter(2)What time d i d he I eave home i n the morn i ng?A. At five.B. At seven.C. At e i ght.(3)Why couldnt Daniel,s father pI ay with him?A.Becau

10、se he didnt Ii ke Daniel.B.Because he didnt have time.C.Because he didnt have supper.(4)Where does Daniel,s father work now?A. In a hospitaI.B. In a station.C. I n a schoo I.(5)How does Dan i eI fee I now?A.He i s very happy.B. He i s very t i red.C.He i s very worr ied.5.阅读短文,选择正确答案。Look at this ph

11、oto. Its Jims famiIy photo. Jims family al II ike sports. The ta I I man i n the picture i s h i s father. He I ikes playingfootbaI I. The woman bes ide hi s father i s hi s mother. She Iikes running.She runs every morning. This beautifuI girl is Jims sister. She I ikesswimming very much. Whos th i

12、s I ittIe boy? He s Jims IittIe brother. HeI ikes playing basketbaI I. What about Jim? He I ikes playing basketba I I too.(1)How many peopIe are there in Jims fami Iy?Therere .A.threeB. fourC. f i ve(2)Is Jims father taI I or short?A. Yes, he i s.B. He, s short.C. Hes tall.(3)How i s Jims s i ster?A

13、. Shes thin.B.Shes fat.C.Shes beaut ifuI.(4)一What does Jims brother Iike?一He I i kes .A.playing basketbaI IB. sw i mm i ngC. playing footbaI I(5)Does Jim,s sister Iike ?Yes, she does.A. playing footbaI IB. swimmingC. runn i ng6. This is a picture of Johns fami Iy. John is a good boy. He is tweIve.He

14、, s from Amer i ca. Now he i s i n Ch i na. He I i kes pandas. H i s father Mr BI acki s a cook. He i s strong. He i s i n the k i tchen. H i s mother i s not a cook.She i s a nurse. She i s f r i end I y. She has I ong orange ha i r. John has a s i ster.Her name is Al ice. She is in the I iving roo

15、m. She is a new Engl ish teacher.She has long hai r.(1)Johns famiIy has peopIe.A. fourB. f i veC. s i x(2)Johns parents are from .A.ChinaB.Amer icaC. Eng I and John I i kes .A. monkeysB.tigersC.pandas(4) H i s mother i s a .A.nurse8. cookC.teacher(5)H i s s i ster i s i n the .A.studyB. Iiving roomC. k i tchen7. Today is Feb. 3rd, 2004. This is a picture of my famiIy. This is myfather. He is forty. He is a teacher of Engl ish


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