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1、冲刺练习及解析补全对话1.选择相应的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。Amy: Good morning, John. This is my famiIy photo!John: Good morning, Amy. 1Amy: My famiIy has four peopIe.John:2Amy: Yes. My parents, my sister and me.Joh:3Amy: Yes, it is.John: What,s your father,s job?Amy:4John: Coo I!5Amy: Shes a nurse.A.Four?B.What,s your mothe

2、rs job?C.How many peopIe are there in your famiIy?D. Is th i s your father?E. Hes a farmer.【答案】(1)C(2)A (3)D(4)E(5)B【解析】1.根据下句uAmy: My fami ly has four people. 可知该空是在问“你家有多少个人,故选C。2 .根据上下句 Amy: My fami ly has four people.,和 “Amy: Yes. My parents,my s i ster and me.”可知选项A (四个)符合语境,故选A。3 .根据下句“Amy: Ye

3、s, it is.”可知该空是一个以is引导的一般疑问句,故选Do4 .根据上句“John: What, s your father , s job?”可知该空是在回答职业,故选E。5 .根据下句“Amy: Shes a nurse.可知该空是在问“你妈妈是做什么的”,故选Bo2.选择正确的选项补全对话。Mike: Th i s i s the office. That i s my cI assroom.Visitor:2Mike: Twenty-four.Visitor:3Mike: Yes, we do.Vi s i tor :4Mike: No, it,s our computer r

4、oom. 5A. Is this your I ibrary?B.Do you have a Ii brary?C. The Ii brary i s on the second floor.D. How many students are there i n your cI ass?E.We I come to my schooI!【答案】(1)E(2)D(3)B(4)A (5)C【解析】1.根据 “This i s the off i ce. That i s my c I assroom.,及 “Visitor”可知,选项E (欢迎来到我的学校)符合语境,故选E。2 .根据“Mike:

5、Twenty-four.,可知该空是在询问数量,故选D。3 .根据“Mike: Yes, we do. ”可知该空是以“Do”引导的一般疑问句,故选B。4 .根据 “Mike: No, i t, s our computer room. 可知该空是一个以 “Is” 引导的一般疑问句,故选A。5 .根据第4小题的答案“Is this your library?”可知该空是在回答图书馆的所在位置,故选C。3.选择正确的选项补全对话。Sam: Look! Th i s i s my new bedroom.Tom: Wow!Sam: Thanks.Tom:2Sam: Its my schooI ba

6、g.Tom:3Sam: There are many books and pens.Tom:4Sam: Its on the desk. 5Tom: Oh, I see.A. What,s that?B. Where i s your water bottIe?C. Its rea I I y n i ce.D. Its beside the computer.E.Whats i n your schooI bag?【答案】(1)C(2) A (3)E(4)B(5)D【解析】1.根据Sam: Thanks.”可知,选项C (它真漂亮)符合语境,故选C。2 .根据“Sam: Its my sch

7、oo I bag. ”可知,选项A (那是什么)符合语境,故选A。3 .根据 “Sam: There are many books and pens.,可知,选项 E (你书包里有什么)符合语境,故选E。4 .根据“Sam: Its on the desk, v可知,选项B (你的水瓶在哪里)符合语境,故选Bo5 .根据 “Sam: Its on the desk. 和 “Tom: Oh, I see. ” 可知,选项 D (在电脑旁边)符合语境,故选D。4. Mike: Hei Io! We I come to the farm.John: Oh, th i s farm i s so b

8、i g. 1Mike: Yes, they are.John:2Mike: We have twenty.John:3Mike: They are carrots.John: Do you Iike carrots?Mike:4John: Let me try one.Mike: OK.A.How many goats do you have?B.Are they goats?C. Yes, I do.D.What are those?【答案】(1)B(2)A (3)D(4)C【解析】1.根据下句“Mike: Yes, they are. ,可知该空是一以 Are they引导的一般疑问句,故

9、选B。2 .根据下句“Mike: We have twenty, n可知该空是在询问数量,故选A。3 .根据下句“Mike: They are carrots. 可知该空是在问“那些是什么”,故选D。4 .根据上句“John: Do you I ike carrots?v可知该空是在作肯定或否定回答,故选G5 .选择相应的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。(有两项多余哦!)Sarah:1Mike: It,s a photo of my room.Shrah: Wow. 2Mike: Yes. Its near my bed.Shrah:3Mike: Yes. Look! They are on

10、 the wall.Sarah:4Rob i n: Yes, and I want to be a pa i nter (画 家)one day.Sarah: You have a reaI Iy nice room.Mike:5A.Are there any photos i n your room?B.Do you read books every day?C.Are there any b i kes i n your room?D.What,s th i s?E. I s there a desk in it?F.Do you draw cartoons every day?G. Th

11、ank you.【答案】(1)D(2)E(3)A (4)F(5)G【解析】1.根据下句“Mike: Its a photo of my room.,可知该空是在问“这是什么二故选D。2 .根据下句“Mike: Yes. Its near my bed. ”可知该空是一个一殳疑问句,且主语是单数,故选E。3 .根据下句“Mike: Yes. Look! They are on the wall.”和上文可知该空讲的是“照片”,且该空是一个一般疑问句,且主语是复数,故选A。4 .根据下句 “Robin: Yes, and I want to be a painter one day. 可知该空和“

12、画画有关,故选F。5 .根据上句uSarah: You have a reaI Iy nice room, n可知对别人的夸赞应表达感谢,故选G。6 .选择合适的选项补全对话。Sarah: I Ii ve i n a v iI I age. Its very nice.Ba i Ling: Are there any mounta i ns near your v iI I age?Sarah:1Ba i Ling:2Sarah: Yes, there are many rivers. And there are some smal I boats on them.Ba i Ling:3Sar

13、ah: Yes, there is.Ba i Ling:4Sarah: Yes, there are. The water is cIean.Ba i Ling: Coo 1.5Sarah: No, there arent. There are on Iy smaI I houses. The sky i s bIue.The a i r i s fresh. 6Ba i Ling: Great. I Ii ke your v iI I age.A.Are there any taI I bu iId i ngs i n your v iI I age?B.Are there any r i

14、vers i n your viI I age?C.No, there aren,t.D.Are there any Iakes i n your vi I I age?E.And the cIouds are white.F. I s there a br i dge over the b i g r i ver?(DC (2)B(3)F(4)D(5) A (6)E【解析】1.才艮据 “Bai Ling: Are there any mountains near your village?”可知该空是在作肯定或否定回答,且需用are的相应形式,故选C。2 .根据 uSarah: Yes, t

15、here are many r i vers. ” 可知该空是以“Are there,引导的一般疑问句,且是和河流有关,故选B。3 .根据uSarah: Yes, there is. ”可知该空是以“Is there”引导的一般疑问句,故选F。4 .根据 uSarah: Yes, there are. The water i s clean, v 可知该空是以 uArethere”引导的一般疑问句,选项D (你的村庄里有湖吗)符合语境,故选D。5 . 根据 uSarah: No, there aren, t. There are on I y sma I I houses, n 可知该空是以“Are there”引导的一般疑问句,且是和建筑物有关,故选A。6 .根据“The sky i s b I ue. The a i r i s f resh. ”可知,选项E (并且云是白色的)符合


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