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1、冲刺练习及解析一、阅读理解1. Today i s Tony,s fi rst day at school. Tony fee Is sad. He waIksto schoo I with h i s mother. H i s mother says, Come on, Tony. Schoo I startsat n i ne o clock. Theyre at the gate. They see Hunter and Ruby. Hunterand Ruby are Tony, s f r i ends. Now Tony i s happy. He says, Goodbye,

2、Mum!Tony,s mother says, Goodbye, Tony. Have a good day!(1) Is Tony happy at first (最初)?A. Yes.B. No.(2)Who waIks to school with Tony?A. Hi s mother.B. Hi s f r iends.(3)What time does schooI start?A. At eight o c I ock.B. At n i ne o, c I ock.(4)Who do they see at the gate?A.Tony* s teacher.C. Tonys

3、 f r i ends.(5) I s Tony happy at I ast (最后)?A. Yes.B. No.【答案】(1)B(2) A (3)B(4)B(5) A【解析】1.才艮据 uToday i s Tony, s f i rst day at schooI. Tony fee I s sad ,可知托尼第一天去学校就不开心,故选B。2 .根据“He wa I ks to schooI with hi s mother. 可知托尼和她妈妈一起去学校,故选A。3 .根据 “School starts at nine oclock.” 可知学校 9 点开始,故选 B。4 .根据They

4、re at the gate. They see Hunter and Ruby. ” 可知他们在大门那看见了汉特和鲁比,故选B。5 .根据“Now Tony is happy.”可知最后托尼开心了起来,故选A。2. This is our c I assroom. You can see twenty boys and twenty-threegirls in it. Do you see the girl in a red coat and bIue trousers? Hername i s Amy. She s i ts bes i de the teacher,s desk. She

5、 Ii kes playing thep i ano (弹4冈琴), The boy beh i nd her i s Tom. He often p I ays footba I I aftercI ass i n the afternoon. They are good students.(1)You can see boys i n the cI assroom.A. twe I veB.twenty-threeC.twenty(2)Amy is in a coat and trousers.A. red; bIueB.blue; redC.ye I low; bIue(3)The bo

6、y Tom sits Amy.A.beforeB. beh i ndC. beside(4)Amy I i kes .A.playing basketbaI IB.playing the computerC.playing the p i ano(5)Tom often after cI ass i n the afternoon.A.pI ays footbaI IB.pI ays tennisC.pI ays basketbaI I【答案】(DC (2) A (3)B(4)C(5) A【解析】1才艮据“You can see twenty boys and twenty-three gir

7、ls in it. ”可知你可以在教室里看见20个男孩,故选C。2 .根据“Do you see the girl in a red coat and bIue trousers? Her namei s Amy.”可知艾米穿着一件红色的外套和一条蓝色的裤子,故选A。3 .根据“The boy behind her is Tom. v可知男孩在艾米后面,故选B。4 .根据“She I ikes playing the piano, n可知艾米喜欢弹钢琴,故选C。5 .才艮据 “He often p I ays footba I I after c I ass i n the afternoon

8、.,可知汤姆经常在下午下课后踢足球,故选A。3. Amy: Hi! Tom. Ihave a new cI assroom.Tom:Rea I Iy?Letsgo and have a Iook. Wow!Itsb i g andn i ce.Amy:Look! Anew bI ackboard, four fans ands i x Iights.Tom:There i sa newcomputer on the teacher sdesk.How manystudents arethere i n your cI ass?Amy: Twenty.Tom: Great! Where is y

9、our seat?Amy: Its near the door.(1) Amy has a new .A.cIassroomB.computer roomC.bedroom(2)Amy,s cI assroom i s b i g and .A. o I dB. sma I IC. nice(3) I n the cI assroom, there are .A.four fansB. s i x I i ghtsC. A+B(4)There i s on the teachers desk.A.a new bI ack boardB.a new computerC. desk【答案】(DA

10、(2)C(3)C(4)B【解析】1.根据 “Amy: Hi ! Tom. I have a new classroom.,可知艾米有一间新教室,故选A。2 .根据 “Tom: Real ly? Lets go and have a Iook. Wow! Its big and nice. ”可知艾米的教室又大又好,故选C。3 .才艮据 “Amy: Look! A new b I ackboard, four fans and s i x I ights. 可佚口教室里有一块新的黑板、四个风扇和六盏灯,故选C。4 .才艮据 “Tom: There i s a new computer on th

11、e teacher s desk, v 可次口讲台上有一台新电脑,故选B。5 . Look! Thi s i s our schooI. Its big and cIean. There is a big playgroundi n it. There are twenty c I assrooms i n my schoo I. The computer room i s onthe second floor. There is a I ibrary on the second floor, too. The musicroom and the art room are on the f i

12、 rst f Ioor. The teachers off ice is onthe fourth (第四)floor. I I i ke our school.(1) Our schoo I i s and .A.big; cIeanB. sma I I ; c I eanC.big; beautifuI(2)We have cI assrooms.A. e I evenB. twentyC. twe I ve(3)The computer room i s on the fIoor.A. oneB. twoC.second(4)The i s on the second fIoor.A.

13、IibraryB.music roomC. art room(5)The teachers office is on the fIoor.A.secondB.fourthC. f i rst【答案】(DA (2)B(3)C(4) A (5)B【解析】1. 由 “This i s our schoo I. Its b i g and clean.,可知选 A。2. 由 u There are twenty c I assrooms i n my school.可次口选 B。3. 由 “The computer room i s on the second floor.,可知选 C。4. 由 uT

14、here i s a I ibrary on the second f I oor, too. v 可佚口选 A。5. 由 “The teachers off i ce i s on the fourth floor.,可知选 B。5.Its eI even o,clock. 11,s time for music cI ass. Look at thecIassroom. Its big and nice. There are thi rty students in it. Mi ss Guo,our mus i c teacher, i s i n the cI assroom, too.

15、 Shes beaut i fuI. Shes taI Iand th i n. Shes very funny, too. She has Iong bI ack ha i r and b i g eyes.She s ings and dances very we I I. Shes reaI Iy a nice mus ic teacher. Sheloves us. And we Iove her, too.(1)What time is it?A. Its e I even o, c I ock.B. Its tweIve ocIock.(2)How many students are there i n the cI assroom?A. Thi rty.B. Th i rteen.(3)Who i s the mus ic teacher?A. Mr Guo.B. Mi ss Guo.(4)Where i s the mus i


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