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1、Module 2 Public holidays 导学案Unit 1 My family always go somewhereinteresting as soon as the holiday begins.学校:实验一中 主备人:冷金燕审核人:学科英语课型听说课年级九年级学习目标1 .能掌握序数词和日期的正确朗读方法。2 .根据情境,能运用after, as soon as, before, since等引导的状语从句造句。3 .能听懂本单元所提供的听力素材,并获取听力信息,完成听力任务。学习重难点1 .理解课文内容,初步感知after, as soon as,before,since引

2、导的状语从句2 .初步理解after, as soon as,before,since引导的状语从句一、情境导入Work in groups- Ask and answer some questions about Chinese publicholidays.When is the holiday?What do your family do during the holiday ?What special food do you eat?What special clothes do you wear?二、自主学习I.找出短语并标在课本上10月日 国庆节被建立 从那以后玩得快乐 有趣的地方

3、各种各样的假期活动假期末去野餐 一个三天的假期用所给词的适当形式填空。1 .This will be my (four) holiday spent with my best friend.2 .The (eight) month of a year is called August.3My family is going to hold a big party for my brothers (nine)birthday4There ar.e twelve floors in this building, and we live on the (twelve)floor5My parents

4、 planned to travel to Paris on their (twenty)wedding.anniversary.1 .听录音,让学生独立完成教材第10页活动2的听力任务,然后邀请学生分享答案,教师核对答案。2 .播放活动3的录音,让学生仔细听录音并跟读,注意语音语调,同时在遇到的难点下面画线,然后老师在要点点拨环节给予学生指导。3 .完成PU表格,对中西方的节日进行深入了解。4 .老师带着学生读一遍活动6里的日期,然后请学生们集体朗读一遍并告诉学生日期的不同读法,再让学生就活动6里的日期进行问答练习。S1 : When is your birthday?S2: The ten

5、th of September.5 .让学生进行小组活动,选择一个中国的法定节假日,并谈论它的时间、人们的活动、特殊的饮食及特殊的穿着等。最后,每个小组推举一人为全班作报告。四、展1 .The People,s Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949.中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日建立的。【点拨】“be+动词的过去分词”是被动结构。如:The university was founded in 1911.Chinese is spoken by us.2 .We have a three-day holiday.我们有三天的假

6、期。【点拨】three-day是一个复合形容词,构成:数词+连字符+名词,在句中一般作定语。这种复合形容词有两个特点:一是数词、名词间要用连字符连接,二是数词后的名词要用单数形式。例如:a 15-year-old boya two-month holiday = a two months, holidayfifteen-minute walk = fifteen minutes, walk3 .Kids have great fun. We also watch bands play music in public parks.孩子们玩得很开心。我们也会在公园里观看乐队演奏音乐。五、精讲点拨【

7、点拨】1 .have great fun玩得很开心,其同义词组为have a great time ohave fun doing sth.做某事很开心。They are having fun watching TV in theclassroom.孩子们正在教室里很开心的看电视。24watch sb. sth. do sth.观看某人或某物做某事,后接省去to的不定式,类似的感官动词有:see, watch, hear, listen to, notice, look at 等。如:I often hear her play the piano in the room.我经常听见她在房间里弹

8、钢琴。5.(1)序数词的构成规律序数词119,除了 1、2、3、5、8、9、12的序数词不规则外,其余均在基数词.后加上一th。如:tenth第十。整十数字的序数词一的构成方法:将整十基数词的词尾一y变成i再加etho 如:thirtieth 第三十。几十几的序数词的构成方法:只把个位数变成序数词,十位数不.变。如:twenty-first 第二H。(2)日期的读法英式英语中,常把日读在月的前面;美式英语中,常把月读在日的前面。比如,10月2 口的英式读法为the second of October,美式读法为October (the)secondoI.单项选择()1.He will come

9、 here right away he hears the news.A. soB. as soon as C. because D. though()2. September 10th is .D.A. Women Day B. Childrens Day C. Mid-Autumn DayTeachers Day()3.We have off on Labor Day.A. a three days B. a three-day C. three-days D. three day( )4.We like watching bands in public parks.八、达标检测A. pl

10、aying music B. play music C to play music D. played music()5. How do you pronounce 1st October”A. the first of October B. October firstC. first October D. an October first()6一Do you have your summer plan , Bill ?一 Well, I want to go to relax with my family.A. interesting somewhereB.nowhere interesti

11、ngC.somewhere interestingH.用所给词的适当形式填空1) The company was(found) on 1st October 2009.2) Today is Toms(twelve) birthday.3) There are all(kind) of things in the supermarket.4) Americas national day is(call) Independence Day.5) The First of October is(China) National Day.6) They will go to park as soon

12、as it(stop) raining7) There are four(season) in a year.8) I receive my favourite book on my(nine) birthday.9) They are having fun(play) computer games.10) That actor often joins in different(activity) in Beijing.in.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。L十月一日是中国的国庆节,对吗?The First of October is2 .他想住在安静的地方。He wants to live3 .在五一节我们通常有三天的假期。We usually haveholiday on Labour Day.4 .孩子们在独立日总是玩得很好。Kids alwayson Independence Day.5 .在公园里我们也观看乐队演奏音乐。We also watch bands in public parks.


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