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1、Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?I.预习目标:1.掌握本单元borrow, fix, put up, thousand of等单词和短语。(重点)2感知理解新语法:一般将来时的被动语态II.预习过程:A.自主预习,阅读对话,在文中划出下列单词和短语:1. website 2. textbook 3. mainly4. page 5. electronic 6. powerful7. full装满了. 8. instructions9. fix(同义词)/10

2、. properly11,拍照 12.张贴公布 13.收到某人的来信14.好好照顾 15.承诺做某事 16.向某人借某物 17.把某物借给某人B.阅读对话:1 . 回答问题:Why does Tony borrow his dad,s camera?2 .阅读对话概要,找出错误信息并改正C.导学导练1. Dad , can I borrow your camera ?爸爸我可以借用一下你的相机吗。1) borrow为动词,意为“借入;借来borrow常与介词from连用,构成短语borrow sth. fromsb.意为“从某人那里借来某物”。He borrowed a car from hi

3、s friend , and went to the airport in a hurry.他 向 朋 友 借 了 辆小汽车,然后匆匆忙忙地去了机场。2) lend为动词,意为“借出,借给,常用短语lend sth. to sb.相当于lend sb. sth.,意为“把某物借给某人”。Can you lend a piece of paper to me ?你能借一张纸给我吗He often lends me some books.他经常借给我一些书3)如果后面有for+时间段,“借”用“keep”。如:You can keep this book for two weeks.这书你可以借两

4、周。即学即练一-Jim , may I your camera ?-Sure , but you,d better not it to others.A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend2. Theyll be put up on the school website.照片将被放在学校的网站上。put up是固定短语,在这里意为“挂;张贴”。put up还可意为“建立;搭起;举起”。该短语是动副短语,后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在put与up之间o We,ll put them up again afte

5、r the rainstorm.当暴风雨过后,我们会再把它们挂起来即学即练二They many buildings last year.去年他们盖了许多高楼。D.课堂巩固:1. Hello, may I b ten yuan from you? ll give it back this afternoon.2. -My computer doesn,t work. Can you help me f it?-Sure, let me have a look.3. If you don,t know how to use the new camera, please read the i.4.

6、我经常受到父母的来信I often my parents.5. 我哥哥保证不再说谎了。My brother tell lies again yesterday.Module 9 Great inventionsUnit 2 Will books be replaced by computers?L预习目标:1.掌握本单元spread, look through, at a time等单词和短语。(重点)2 .能用被动语态的句子表述发明对人类的影响,并恰当使用as a result和so (重点).预习过程:A.自主预习,阅读对话,在文中划出下列单词和短语:L在某人去.的路上 2.1ook th

7、rough3 .每次; 一次 4. by hand 5.在某种程度上 6.结果是7. v.发展 n. 8. an amount of9. store 10. connect 11. v.打 印 a.打E的 12. spread(过去式/分词)/13. compare- to. 14.wait and see 15. introduce n.16. 由.制成的 B.阅读短文,完成表格,并划出含有一般将来时和情态动词被动语态的句子C.导学导练1. Every evening , my mother looks through magazines at home.每天晚上,我妈妈都要在家浏览杂志。l

8、ook through意为“快速阅读;浏览二look through还可意为“透过看去”。I look through the news in the newspaper every day.我每天都浏览报纸上的新闻We looked through the bedroom window and saw a beautiful garden.我们透过卧室窗户看到了 一个美丽的花园。2. A much larger amount of information can be stored in more varied forms on the Internet thanin books.更多的信息

9、可以以不同的形式存储在因特网上而不是书上。a large amount of ,意:为“大量的”,为固定短语,amount意为“量;数量”,通常用于an amount of, a great/large amount of, amounts of 这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。He made a large amount of money.他赚了很多钱拓展:an mount of, a large/great amount of, amounts of修饰名词用作主语时,其谓语的数取决于amount的数。A large amount of money was spent on the bri

10、dge. = Large amount of money were spent on thebridge.在这座桥上花了大量资金她携带大量的现金离开了She carried a large amount of cash and went away.即学即练:1 .很多人在上班路上快速浏览报纸。Many people the newspaper quicklywork.2 .因特网上储存了大量的信息。A large amount of information on the Internet.3 .随着网络的发展,知识和思想比以前传播的更快。With the development of the

11、Internet, knowledge and ideas than before.4 .这个玩具是在中国用手工制作完成的.The toy was China.5 .这药一天吃三次,一次三片Take the medicine three times a day and three pills.D课堂巩固:Will books be r by the Internet in the future? We don,t know yet. But computers and theI have become more and more popular in the world. We can,t i

12、 our life withoutthem. However, about 2,000 years ago, paper was first c in China and few people had thec to learn to read, Because books were produced only one at a t by h. Theywere very e. But later during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, books b cheaperbecause of the d of printing.Module 9 Great inven

13、tionsUnit 3 language in useI.预习目标:1.掌握一般将来时和带有情态动词的被动语态的概念和用法。(重点)2.培养学生的写作能力和技巧学会在短文写作中应用一般将来时的被动语态。II.预习过程:A.回忆Units 1和2中含有一般将来时和带有情态动词的被动语态的句子B.观察并试着找出规律C.导学导练:一般将来时的被动语态一、一般将来时的被动语态的构成:1 .一般将来时的被动语态的肯定式为:shall /will +be+ done (shall用于笫一人称,will用于各种人称)We shall be punished if we break the rule.如果我们

14、违反规定,我们将会受到惩罚。Many buildings will be built in my home town 我的家乡将要建造许多大楼。2 . 一般将来时的被动语态的否定式:shall / will + not +be +done(可缩写成shan,t或won,t) The meeting won,t be held tomorrow.明天不会举行会议。3 .一般将来时的被动语态的一般疑问句需将shall/wi提到主语的前面。回答用yes或no。-Will the work be finished at once ?这项工作会立刻被完成吗?Yes, it will be.是的,立刻就被

15、完成。4 .一般将来时的被动语态的特殊疑问句式为:疑问词+ shall /will +主语+ be +done.What shall I be given as my birthday presents ?我会得到什么生日礼物呢When will these books be published.这些书将在什么时候被出版即学即练单项选择二、带有情态动词的被动语态的构成:1.带有情态动词的被动语态的肯定式为:情态动词+be+doneThe card can be fixed.这卡可以被修好。1 .变否定句时,在情态动词后加not;变一般疑问句时,将情态动词提前。即学即练:1. A basketball match between Class One and Class Three tomorrow afternoon.A. is held B. was held C. must be held D. will be held2. -A new park in our hometown next year.-Really? Our hometown must be more beautiful.A. will build


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