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1、冲刺练习及解析一、单项选择1 .()打电话时介绍自己是陈洁,应该说:A.My name i s Chen J i e.B. I , m Chen J i e.C. Th i s i s Chen J i e.C【解析】考查情景交际。My name i s Chen J ie.我的名字是陈洁;I m Chen J i e.我是陈洁;This is Chen Jie.我是陈洁。打电话时介绍自己一般用“This is+人名故选C。2 . ( )一Hei Io. May I speak to Mi ke?A. He I I o, hes MikeB. He I I o, who are youC.He

2、i Io, this is Mike speakingC【解析】考查情景交际。句意:你好。我可以找迈克接电话吗? 你好,我是迈克。Hei Io, hes Mike 你好,他是迈克;Hei Io, who are you 你好,你是谁;Hei Io,this is Mike speaking你好,我是迈克。根据语境,故选C。3 . ( ) I speak to Ann, please?A.Can; NoC.Must; OKB【解析】考查情态动词和情景交际。句意:我可以跟安通电话吗? 当然可以。“May I speak to sb.?”意为“我可以跟某人通电话吗”,此句常用于打电话用语中;o千co

3、urse表示“当然可以”,故选B。4 .( )Can I speak to your mom, pI ease?A.Sure, mom i s reading the newspaper. Please hold on.B.What are you doing?C.Mom can speak to you.A【解析】考查情景交际。句意:我能和你妈妈通话吗? 当然,妈妈正在看报纸。请稍等。选项A意为“当然,妈妈正在看报纸。请稍等”;选项B意为“你正在做什么”;选项C意为“妈妈可以和你说话”。根据语境,故选A。5 .()打电话时说“我是小明该如何说:A. I am Xiaomi ng.B. Thi

4、 s i s Xi aomi ng.B【解析】考查情景交际。打电话向对方介绍自己时常使用“This is.”这一句型,而不用“I am. . . no故选B。6 . ( ) I speak to Ann, pI ease?A.Can; NoB.May; Of courseC.Must; OKB【解析】考查情态动词和情景交际。句意:我可以跟安通电话吗? 当然可以。“May I speak to sb.?”意为“我可以跟某人通电话吗”,此句常用于打电话用语中;of course表示“当然可以“,故选B。7 .( )Can I speak to Mi ss Li, pI ease?A. Can, t

5、8 .Hold on, pleaseC.She i s Ii sten i ng to mus i cB【解析】考查情景交际。句意:我可以和李小姐通话吗? 请稍等一下。选项A意为“不能”;选项B意为“请稍等一下”;选项C意为“她正在听音乐:故选B。8. ( )Hello!Hei Io! 3032691.一Is that Amy?一Yes. ?-This is Mike.A.Who are youB.Who are theyC. Whos heD. Whos thatD【解析】考查情景交际。句意:你好!你好! 30326910是艾米吗?是的。你是哪位?我是迈克。uWhos that?”在电话用语

6、中,意为“你是哪位二 故选D。二、补全对话9.选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号填在相应的横线上。一Hi! This is 0liver! Is that Tom speaking?一 Thi s i s Tom.1-I ,m sad. Its raining. I cant go to the camp.-Dont be sad. 2Can you come to my home with me?一Sure.34-5You can take the No. 826 bus.一OK. See you then.See you.A.You can watch TV at home.B.How do

7、 you fee I today, Tom?C.But where i s your home?D.How can I get there?E.My home i s near the museum shop.【答案】(1)B(2) A (3)C(4)E(5)D【解析】1.由“Imsad.”可知,选项B (你今天感觉怎么样,汤姆?)符合语境,故选B。2 . 由 “ I m sad. Its raining. I can,t go to the camp. ” “Dont be sad.可知,选项A (你可以在家看电视。)符合语境,故选A。3 .由 “Can you come to my hom

8、e with me?” “Sure. ” 可知,选项 C (但是你的家在哪里?)符合语境,故选C。4 .由上下文语境可知,选项E (我家在博物馆商店旁边。)符合语境,故选E。5 .由“You can take the No. 826 bus. ”可知,选项D (我怎么去那儿?)符合语境,故选D。10.选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号写在横线上。A: Im sorry. I cant go to the cinema with you.B: 1A: Because I,m going to the hospitaI.B: 2A: I ,m i II. 3B: 4A: Not we I I.A.

9、What,s wrong?B.How do you fee I now?C.Why not?D. I wi I I see a doctor.【答案】(DC (2) A (3)D(4)B【解析】1.根据下句“A: Because I m going to the hospital.,可知该空是在问“为什么不呢”,故选C。2 .根据下句A: Im ill.”可知该空是在问“你怎么了,故选A。3 .根据前句UA: Im ill.”可知生病应该看医生,故选D。4 .根据下句“A: Not well.”可知该空是在问“你现在感觉如何”,故选B。11.选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。Mum:

10、 Mike, come here, pI ease.Mike:1Mum: Your father i s ill. 2 So we cant go to the park today.Mike: Oh, no!Mum:3 We can go to the park next time.Mike:4Dad: Not we I I.Mike: Dad, dont worry. 5Mum/Dad: OK. Let,s go!A.He should see a doctor thi s morning.B.Dad, how do you fee I now?C.What,s wrong?D.Let,s

11、 go to the hospitaI together.E. Don, t be sad.【答案】(DC (2) A (3)E(4)B(5)D【解析】1.根据下句“Mum: Your father is ill.”可知该空是在问“发生了什么事情”,故选C。2 .根据前后句 uYour father is ill. n 和 “So we can t go to the park today. ”并结合选项,可知选项A (他今天早上应该去看医生)符合语境。3 .根据后句“We can go to the park next time.,可知该空是在说“没关系/别伤心”,故选E。4 .根据下句“D

12、ad: Not well.”可知该空是在问“爸爸,你现在感觉如何”,故选B。5 .根据下句“Mum/Dad: OK. Let,s go!”可知该空是在发出邀请或提出建议,故选D。三、排序题12 .将下列句子重新排序) Take care, Yang Ling.See you soon.Notso good.Hi,Yang Ling.Th i s i s Su Ha i. How are you?OK.Thank you,Su Ha i.()Im sorry to hear that. Can I come to see you after school?() See you, Su Ha i.

13、()Whatsthe matter?()Hello,this is Yang Ling speaking.()I havea cough and a headache.【答案】832769415【解析】原文释义:你好,我是杨玲。你好,杨玲。我是苏海。你好吗?不是很好。怎么了 ?我咳嗽头还疼。我很遗憾听到这个。放学后我可以去看你吗?好的。谢谢,苏海。保重,杨玲。期待很快与你见面。再见,苏海。13 .给下列句子排序()Hei Io, Su Hai. This is Mike speaking.()Im sorry to hear that.()Hello, this is Su Hai. May I speak to Mike?()How are you?() Not so good. I have a headache.【答案】25134【解析】原文释义:你好,我是苏海。我可以和迈克说话吗?你好,苏海。我是迈克。你好吗?不是很好。我头疼。我很遗憾听到这个。


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