Unit 7 It's raining!Section A 1a-1c 教案.docx

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1、课题Unit 7 It,s raining(section A la-lc)教材分析本单元的中心话题是谈论天气,laTc是一个简单的听说课,是Section A的基础。经过对教材内容的重新整合,用一个自己制作的微课短时间生动展示本节课的主内容。第一部分,对出现的天气单词及观察找出名词变形容词的规律,同时也引出询问天气的重要句式How, s the weather?和what, s the weatherlike?第二部分是听力任务,通过视频中的天气预报,挖空让学生在听视频时填入正确单词,从而检测学生单词掌握情况,并在听的过程中同时学习如何报道天气预报,并引出对世界五大城市的英文表达,帮助学生将

2、城市和当地的天气情况对应。第三部分是将前面的知识融合在一起,升华了课堂内容。学生分析七年级学生已经学习了现在进行时,学生对天气有一定了解,学生大部分对英语感兴趣,但也有个别同学这个阶段出现英语倦怠的现象。在教学中要增加学生的参与性,趣味性,贴近生活。内容的呈现简单易懂。教学目标教学目标:一.知识目标1. Master the vocabulary: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, how,s=how is.2 how to ask about the weather and how to answer?3. the adjectives about weat

3、her4. How to make a weather report二.能力目标A学会谈论不同天气。B学会通过询问天气展开话题,提高与人的交流的能力。三.情感目标通过实践让学生体验在生活中运用英语的乐趣,并通过小组活动谈论彼此的观点。通过展示个人的特长,培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。学会关注天气,而增减衣服,同时学会关心他人冷暖,做一个有温度的人。教学重点重点 1. The vocabulary. 2. Language:How s the woather?=what s theweather like?Tt s rainingwindy教学难点难点 1. Use the words

4、to describe weather and how to ask weather.教学准备自制一节包括la-2c主要知识的微课;根据字母歌曲调编一首简单易唱的天气歌;准备一些包括不同天气的诗词;PPT课件;录音。教学方法视听法,任务型教学法,自主学习和小组合作学习相结合。教学课时1课时40分钟教学过程活动流程活动内容教师活动学生活动活动设计意图教学用时SteplWarm-up1. 1、Greetingl.Greeting用PPT来复习;用自己制作的微课引入并为新知识的呈现做准备5分钟2.Revise the presentprogressive tense(1) . Show a pict

5、ure forstudents and askthem:what arethey doing?(2) . Letstudentsanswer and givethem the rightanswers.(3) . Play the video2.Revise the presentprogressive tense(1) . Look at the TV andthink about thepictures.(2) . Students answerthe questions.(3) watch the video0Step2Presentati-on1 . teach the student

6、s asong about the weather.2.Show students picturesand let students learn thenew words.2.Teach students how toread.1.Learn the song andthe new words.Sunny,raining/rainy,cloudyWindy,snowing/snowy学习天气歌曲初步掌握关于天气的形容词及如何问天气和回答;15分钟Ask students to readtogether3.Show students picturesand let students drill

7、thenew words.then introducethe sentence:howzs theweather ?Its. 5.Introduce :hows theweather ?=whatstheweather like.?6 .Use whats the weatherlike.?to talk about the weatherin the pictures.7 .Do exercises.8.Show pictures forstudents.2 .Follow the teacher.3 .Read together andremember in groups.4 .Look

8、back the newwords.and learn to askand answer theweather.5 .Learn : how,s theweather.7=what,s theweather like.?6 .Look at the picturesand talk about theweather.7 .Do exercise.8 .Discuss.用PPT呈现并巩固知识。Step3Practice1. play tape recorder forstudents2. Explain lb for students.3. Play tape recorder again.1.

9、Students listen tothe tape recorder andanswer questions forlb.2 .check the answers.3 .Listen again.播放听力材料,训练学生的听力并在听的过程中同时学习如何报道天气预报,并引出对世界五大城市的英文表达。10分钟Step4Consolidation andexercises一 n.+y adj.二 How s the weatherin the poems (诗)?清晨入古寺,初日照高林。sunny明月出天山,苍茫云海间。cloudy长乐钟声花外尽,龙池柳色雨中深。raining/ rainy忽如一夜

10、春风来,千树万树梨花开。snowing/ snowy风吹柳花满店香,吴姬压酒唤客尝。windy三.Some exercises inexercise book.1. Pair work and talkabout how to changen. to adj2. Answerthequestions about thepoems to consolidatethe knowledge aboutthe weather.3. Do the exercises ingroups and showtheir answers.用PPT来对知识综合应用,找出名词变形容词的规律,并能举一反三、中文古诗让学生由浅入深地掌握新单词,同时也巩固了问天气的重要句 式How stheweather7分钟Step5SummarySummary together总结,同时老师口头示范天气预报为回家作业做准备。2分钟Step6HomeworkShow the homework forstudents.Writing:A report about ourprovince 巩固知识,训练学生的写作能力1分钟课后反思教学辅助资源多媒体,PPT,视频


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