名师教学设计《My heroes》示范教学教案.docx

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1、教案设计课 题Unit 4 My heroesp ladlb&lc教学目的与要求Listen and read the text about heroes. Thenmatch. Tell who your heroes are and share theirstories with each other.教学重难点Listen and read the text, then match.课型与方法New Lesson课 时第1课时(26)教学过程(Recorder . IQ board )Step 1: Warming 叩.1 Greeting2 Free talkStep 2: Prese

2、ntation.1 T show some pictures about heroes.Ask: Who are they?Present the title: hero - heroes”Ask: Why are they heroes?2 Listen the recorder, read the whole text.3 Learn the short texts one by one.1) Listen to the text of Bill.2) Read and answer: Who is Bills hero? Who is Mess? Why is he a hero?3)

3、Listen to the text of Chen Zihan.Then ask and answer the questions : Who is Chen Zihants hero?Who is Yuan Longping? Why is he a hero?4) Using the same way learning the text of Sally and Li Yu.4 T help Ss understand some difficult words and sentences.5 Listen and read after the recorder.6 Listen and

4、read again. Then match.1) Read the sentences.2) Match the sentences.3) Check the answer.Sallyts hero is the writer of a diary.Li Yuls hero is her mother.Bils hero is top footballer.Chen Zihanfs hero is a famous scientist.4) Read the sentences.Step 3: Consolidation1 Tell who your heroes are and share their stories with each other.1) Talk with your partner.Who is your hero? Why is he a hero?2) Share your herots story in class.BD:Unit4 My heroesSallyls hero is the writer of a diary.Li Yufs hero is her mother.Bills hero is a top footballer.Chen Zihanls hero is a famous scientist.课后记与作业记载:


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