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1、自考外贸函电试题库及答案Multiple choice1. Our latest design has won worldwide .A.popularB.popularityC. popularlyD.popularize2. Art. No. 8905 enjoys the fame of wide .A.sellingB.salableC.sales. .D. sell3. We are unable to satisfy your requirements, for thegoods are great demand.A.inB.onC.ofD. having4. Payment by

2、 D/P should be to you.A.agreeB.agreedC.agreementD. agreeable5. As we are urgent need of Art. No. 5609, pleaseship our order without delay.A.onB.C.ofin. . . D. to6. We you of our prompt shipment after receipt ofyour order.A.assureB.assuranceC.insureD. insurance7. We have to claim for your delay in of

3、 our order.A.shippingB.shipmentC.shipD. deliver8. Our company has wide experience the textilesline.A. on B.in C.about D. of9. You have delayed in dispatching us the shippingafter shipment.A. advice B.instruction C.information . D. data10. Please effect payment when the draft .A.expiresB.dueC. falls

4、dueD.falls expiration1. Your request for payment Letter of Credit isunacceptable.A.withB.byC.usingD. of2. As instructed, we will draw you a sight draftfor collection through the Bank of China.A.forB.againstC.onD. from3. The bank who opens the L/C is called A. issuing bank B. notifying bankC.establis

5、hing bankD. paying bank4. Please send us the amendment L/C immediately orwe shall not be able to ship your order on time.A.of .B.toC.astoD. with5. As the goods are great demand we regret beingunable to cover your requirements.A.inB.onC.ofD. having6. Our company has 30 years experience themachinery l

6、ine.A.onB.inC.aboutD. of7. We regret to report that a consignment of silk piecegoods Order No. 567 has not been delivered.A.withB.forC.onD. under8. your Enquiry No. 123, we are sending you a catalogand a sample book for your reference.A.According . . .B.AsperC.As .D. About9. We are sending you the s

7、amples requested.A.beB.C.areasD. for10. We would like to take this to establish businessrelations with you.A.openingB.opportunityC. stepD.advantage1. Documentary Collection is to be made with the documentsto be to the draft.A. enclosed B.attached C.together D. along with2. We will instruct our bank

8、to issue an L/C favorof your company.A. on . . . B.for C.with D. in3. We have instructed the bank to the amendment youask for.A. perform B.fulfill C.effect D. do4. The notice given by the shipper after the shipment ofthe goods is called .A.noticeinstructionC.advicedocuments5. Your terms of payment a

9、reA.agreeagreedagreement6.D.The shipment time is June or July at ourgoods will be shipped in oneA.,shipmentoption, lotC.shippingB. shippingshippingD. shipping to us.B.C.agreeable and thechoice,B.decision,D.cargooption, consignment7. We thank you for your letter of May 17 and the A.sentB.catalogue.C.

10、enclosedgivenD. presented8. While an enquiry, you ought to enquire intoquality, specification and price etc.A.givingB.offeringC.sendingD. making9. We would very much if you send us some samplesimmediately.A. thank youB. appreciate it . .C.appreciateD. appreciate you10. We are anxious to the market f

11、or our AntimonyTrioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.A.increaseB.enlargeC.expandD. extendAnswers: 1-5 bcadc; 6-10 aabaa 1-5 bcaba; 6-10 bdbcb 1-5bdccd; 6-10 bbdbcMatch1.A. “INCOTERMS” ()货交承运人FOB2.信用证C.FCA3.欧洲主要口岸D.T/T4.海运提单E.D/P5.装运港船上交货F.L/C6.协会货物条款G.7.EMP国际贸易术语解释通则8.FPA平安险I.B/

12、L9 .付款交单J.ICC()10 .电汇A. “INCOTERMS” ()货交承运人B.FOB()信用证C.FCA()欧洲主要口岸D.T/T()4.海运提单E.D/P()5.装运港船上交货F.L/C()6.协会货物条款1.2.3.G.EMP()国际贸易术语解释通则H.FPA()平安险I.B/L()9.付款交单J.ICC()10.电汇A. “INCOTERMS ()运费、保险费付至B.CFR()承兑交单C.CIP()3.银行保证书D.D/D()预计到港时间E.D/A()5.国际贸易术语解释通则F.L/G()6.海运提单G.ETA()7.中国人民保险海洋运输货物保险条款H.WPA()票汇8.LB/L()9 .水渍险J.CIC()10 .成本加运费Business terms translationChambercoimierce2.Quotation 3.Counter-offer4e Customs invoice5. Open account terms6.Certificate of origin7. Import quotas system8.Bill of exchange9. Promissory note10.Confirmed L/CL


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