中层管理-九型人格 精品003.ppt

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《中层管理-九型人格 精品003.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中层管理-九型人格 精品003.ppt(81页珍藏版)》请在第一文库网上搜索。

1、九型人格九型人格(Enneagram) n九型人格 (Enneagram) 之起源可追溯至二千多年前阿富汗一帶,這被視為古巴比倫的民間智慧,由阿拉伯的蘇菲 (Sufi) 族傳承,以口相傳,為教派的靈修學問。由於它準確地濃縮及結合了不同人格歸類原則,經過當代心理學的實證,對了解人性心理發展有莫大啟示. n了解我们的人格,如何成为个人灵性道路上的关键所在,不论我们信奉的是哪一种宗教;n认清我们勿需“克服”我们的人格,而是去善待它、了解它并运用它帮助自己成长。What is the Enneagram useful for? nThe Enneagram is mainly a diagnostic

2、 tool of ones emotional outlook on life. It will not cure ones problems, but may help point out their underlying fixations. nIt is also useful as a guide to how other people see the world differently. nThe Enneagram has become particularly popular within the self-help and personal growth movements,

3、but other professions use it as well, including therapists, teachers, psychologists, managers, and businesspeople. 人分三类九型n脑中心型(Head): 容易活在过去 、喜欢搜集和保存资料、讲道理、喜欢思考和反省、主要的情绪底调是安全焦虑;观察者、质问者、享乐者思考、恐惧、偏执n心中心型(Heart):活在现在、关注人和内心感受、主要的情绪底调是对人的认同敌意;助人者、实践者、浪漫者感觉、渴望、想象n腹中心型(Belly):活在未来,喜欢解决问题、看重事实、遵循本能和习惯、主要的情

4、绪底调是压抑攻击;支配者、媒介者、完美者存在、愤怒、自我遗忘九型人格n1:完美者(The Perfectionist) 革新型(The Reformer)n2:给予者(The Giver) 助人型(The Helper)n3:实践者(The Performer) 成就型(The Achiever) 激励型(The Motivator)n4:浪漫者(The Romantic) 个别型(The Individualist) 艺术型(The Artist)n5:观察者(The Observer) 调查型(The Investigator) 思考型(The Thinker)n6:质问者(The Que

5、stioner) 保守型(The Loyalist)n7:享乐者(The Epicure) 热情型(The Enthusiast)n8:支配者(The Boss) 挑战型(The Challenger)n9:媒介者(The Mediator) 和平型(The Peacemaker)九型人格测评nhttp:/nThe Quick Enneagram Sorting Test(QUEST Version 1.0, December 2003) nThe Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI Version 2.5) 测验样例1.Ive beenro

6、mantic and imaginative.pragmatic and down to earth. 2.I have tended totake on confrontations.avoid confrontations.n每一种人格都可能更完善或更恶化;n人格整合的方向有2种:n1758241n9369n1要学习7之任性、放松、不那么努力;n7要学习5之多收集资料、深入思考;n5要学习8之超强行动力;n8要学习2之有爱心及同理倾听;n2要学习4之多做自我探索;n4要学会完善自我;n9要学习3之活跃及超强行动力;n3要学习6之思辩及强烈维护;n6要学习9之沉稳和宽厚;评分n统计各答案的数

7、量;最多的23个第一型:完美型D第二型:助人型F第三型:行动型C第四型:特别型E第五型:思考型H第六型:防御型B第七型:热情型I第八型:支配型G第九型:和平型A第一型 完美主义者(The Reformer)nthe confronting ideal-seeker. nYour best teacher is your last mistake. - Ralph NadernBasic Fear: Of being corrupt/evil, defectivenBasic Desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be balancednEnneag

8、ram One with a Nine-Wing: “The Idealist”(理想主义者)nEnneagram One with a Two-Wing: “The Advocate“(倡议者) 1型特征n基本缺失:EVERYTHING IS PERFECT AS IT IS.并非完美的就是好的; n补偿观念:Because the world judges and punishes “bad” behavior, you must gain worthiness and love through being as good and perfect as possible. 通过做得更好更完

9、美来赢得尊重和爱。n应对策略:Comparing self to others. Noticing error and correcting it. Suppressing anger and impulses. Being as responsible and right as you can be.n陷阱: Endlessly trying to gain worthiness by being correct. 1型特征n心理动力源(Driving Energy ): ANGER, RESENTMENT, and GUILT at things that are wrong or tha

10、t dont meet high standards. n心理逃避(Avoidance ): Making mistakes, losing self control, being so wrong that you are unworthy.n优势(strengths): High integrity(正直), concern for improvement, industrious(勤奋), responsible. n悖论(Paradox):Although it seems like there is one right, best way to be, there are multi

11、ple right answers; what is right is not necessarily what is best.(尽管看起来有最正确的答案,但正确通常是复(尽管看起来有最正确的答案,但正确通常是复杂的,对的并非一定是最好的。)杂的,对的并非一定是最好的。) 1 1型个性完善的钥匙型个性完善的钥匙(Keys to Path of DevelopmentKeys to Path of Development)Understand that correctness and rightness are only part of natural order,not all. (正确并非

12、全部)Compassion for the self. (与自己比较)Recognize and minimize the internal critical voice. (识别和降低自我批判的声音)Allow time to relax, to play, and to accept yourself as you are. (学会放松和娱乐,接受自己的本初)Accept differences, mistakes, natural desires and the “dark Side.“(接受差异、错误、原始欲望和黑暗面)nHEALTHY是优秀的组织计划人才,对错误和漏洞有良好的直觉;对

13、公正、客观有特殊的追求;有很强的责任感和高目标;超常聪明,永远知道怎样做最恰当; nUNHEALTHYHighly critical both of self and others: picky, judgmental, perfectionistic.爱批评自己和别人,内心拥有一张列满“应该”与“不应该”的清单;严重时出现高度self-righteous and inflexible,眼里只有“The Truth”。认真、尽责,希望在所有的事情上都保持理性和绝对正确,很难为了自己而轻松玩乐,因为他们以超高标准来审查自己的行为;老是觉得做得还不够;Afraid of making a mist

14、ake: everything must be consistent with their ideals, 往往因为害怕不够完美而耽误了事情;可能出现Severe depressions and nervous breakdowns 有种道德优越感,他们厌恶那些不守规矩的人;Impatient, never satisfied with anything 。Moralizing, scolding, abrasive, and indignantly angry. U.S. Presidents, leaders, diplomatsArtists, entertainers, humanit

15、ariansIntellectual/Scientific leadersOtherCultural auras1George Washington Abraham Lincoln (1w9) Grover Cleveland Woodrow Wilson (1w9) Hillary Clinton (1w2) Colin PowellAristotle Wilhelm Leibnitz Confucius Ayn Rand James WatsonAncient GreeceHarrison Ford Jane Fonda Cline Dion Michael Dukakis 第二型 给予者

16、或助人者n在时间、精力和事务三方面都表现出主动;n乐于助人、普遍乐观以及慷慨大方;n由于他们都不肯承认自己的需要,也难以向人呼吁求助,所以总是无意识地透过人际关系来满足自己的需要;n在自己最被人所需的时候,感到最快乐;对别人的需求和感觉非常敏锐,能够恰当地表现出能够吸引别人的那部分人格;n善于给予,更胜于接受;有时候会操纵别人,为得到而给出,有时候是天生的照顾者和支持者;为了使别人成功美满,第二型的人能够运用他们天生的同理心给出对方真正需要的事物;第二型 助人者(The helper )nThe embracing power-seeker . nThe Caring, Interpersonal Type: Generous, Demonstrative, People-Pleasing, and PossessivenBasic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being lovednBasic Desire: To feel loved nEnneagram Two with a One-Wing: “Servant”(仆人)nEnnea


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